What is the difference between organic and non-organic foods?

Discover the difference between organic foods and their traditionally grown counterparts when it comes to nutrition, safety and price.

Organic foods, once found only in health food stores

, are now a common feature in most grocery stores. And that has created a small problem in the produce aisle. For example, you can pick an apple grown with the usual (conventional) methods.

Or you can choose one that is organic. Both apples are firm, shiny and red. Both provide vitamins and fiber. And no apple has fat, salt or cholesterol.

Which one should you choose? Know the facts before you buy. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established an organic certification program that requires that all organic foods meet strict government standards. These regulations control the way in which such foods are grown, handled and processed. Any product labeled as organic in the product description or packaging must be USDA certified.

If certified, the producer can also use an official USDA organic seal. Products certified as 95 percent or more organic may display this USDA seal. No, natural and organic are different. Usually, the term “natural” on a food label means that the product has no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

What's natural on a label doesn't have to do with the methods or materials used to grow food ingredients. Also, be careful not to mix other common food labels with organic labels. For example, guidelines for certified organic beef include access to pastures for at least 120 days of the grazing season and the absence of growth hormones. However, the labels “raised in freedom” or “without hormones” do not mean that a farmer has followed all the guidelines for organic certification.

Some data show the possible health benefits of organic foods compared to foods grown using the usual (conventional) process. These studies have demonstrated differences in foods. However, there is limited information to demonstrate how these differences can provide possible general health benefits. The term organic refers to the process of producing certain foods.

Organic foods are grown or grown without the use of artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or pesticides. Whereas non-organic foods are produced conventionally, which includes the use of artificial chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, medicines, etc. Organic foods are foods produced through processes without synthetic products, such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Inorganic foods, on the other hand, use synthetic materials to produce finished food products.

While there is a big movement that encourages the consumption of organic foods, there is some debate about the true benefits of eating organic food. One of the main concerns is buying organic products versus. Organic foods tend to be more expensive due to more expensive agricultural practices. In addition, due to the little or no use of preservatives, organic foods can go bad faster.

Conventional products tend to look very uniform compared to organic foods, which can come in different shapes, colors and smaller sizes. In addition, the levels of nutrients in organic foods can vary considerably, while inorganic foods usually contain standardized levels of nutrients in the same foods. In general, organic foods taste better than non-organic foods because they are naturally produced and the soil used is well-nourished and free of artificial chemicals. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration regulates inorganic foods and determines the acceptable levels of synthetic products that finished food products may contain.

Organic agriculture practices are designed to benefit the environment by reducing pollution and conserving water and soil quality. Organic foods have more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients than commercially grown foods because the soil is nourished by sustainable agricultural practices. Therefore, some people argue that, while inorganic foods may contain traces of pesticides, these synthetic substances are less harmful than the natural toxins that are potentially found in organic foods. The term organic refers both to the food itself and to the food production process used to produce the finished food product.

In addition to not using synthetic products during the production process, organic foods are not genetically modified and do not contain any food additives or chemical solvents. On the other hand, organic fruits and vegetables have a higher nutritional quality than non-organic foods, since they are grown naturally. On average, organically grown foods provide 21% more iron, 27% more vitamin C, 29% more magnesium and 13% more phosphorus than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. From planting to caring for your organic garden all year round, Bali Bohem offers 360-degree organic farming solutions under one roof.

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration has concluded that the limited amount of pesticides found in non-organic foods does not cause or contribute to any health-related problems. Here are the 7 key differences between organic and non-organic foods that will help you determine what's best for you and your family. The international team responsible for the work suggests that switching to organic fruits and vegetables could offer the same benefits as adding one or two servings out of the five recommended per day. .